Orthopaedic surgeons deal with traumatic injuries to the bones and joints and diseases of the skeleton, the commonest of which is osteoarthritis. The joints involved with posture and movement include the spine, hips, knees, ankles, feet, shoulders, elbows, wrist and hands. As well as looking after problems with the bones, we also deal with problems involving the muscles, ligaments and nerves, including sports injuries.
The trauma and orthopaedics department at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is one of four major trauma centres in London. We treat 1400 patients per year with broken bones due to accidents providing life-saving care as well as saving limbs with reconstructive surgery. We are a team of 22 consultants with a world-wide expertise intreating fractures, sports injuries, cancer, arthritis and children within state of the art facilities using cutting edge technology.The department has strong links with other specialties such as physiotherapists, plastic surgeons, rheumatologists, oncologists and microbiologists, working as a team to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. Together they are involved in research projects to improve care and ensure an improved quality of life for patients. We have surgeons who have also known active service and are experts in treating patients with bomb blast and gunshot wounds as well as those who have worked for charities in Africa and war-torn countries.
A number of the consultants operate at the southwest London Elective Orthopaedic Centre (SWLEOC). Opened in 2004, this is a purpose-built 65 bed unit on the site of Epsom Hospital with excellent transport links.
Now known as the Elective Orthopaedic Centre, this is the busiest joint replacement unit in the United Kingdom and one of the busiest in the world. St George’s patients needing hip replacement, knee replacement, ligament reconstruction, shoulder and foot surgery will generally undergo surgery in the Centre and then be followed up after surgery back at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.